Contact your high school and request a letter on school letterhead attesting to the fact you graduated and received a diploma. The letter must contain your legal name, the date you received your diploma, and be signed by a school official.
Contact the State Department of Education for the state in which your high school was located. Have them provide a letter attesting to the fact your records have been lost and for what reason they were lost. This letter must contain your legal name and be provided on ‘official’ letterhead from the corresponding Department of Education, the letter must provide the date of your graduation.
Contact your high school and have them provide documentation on official letterhead attesting to the fact you will graduate soon and providing the date of expected graduation. Also, have them provide a ‘seven-semester’ transcript. Once you graduate you must provide a copy of your high school diploma and complete transcripts.
You may include your college transcript with your application but we still must have a copy of your high school transcript. Contact your high school they will be able to provide you with a copy of your transcript.
You must provide a copy of your GED certificate and your scores. Along with your GED certificate and your scores, you must provide a copy of your high school transcript.